Where to Shop for Strollers in Person?

Are you on the hunt for the perfect stroller but overwhelmed by the myriad of options available online?

Stepping into physical stores offers a tactile and insightful experience, allowing you to test ride different models and seek expert advice.

From department stores to specialty boutiques, explore the realms of stroller shopping in person.

where to shop for strollers in person

For those looking to shop for strollers in person, popular options include large department stores like Toys R Us/Babies R Us, Walmart, and Target, as well as smaller baby shops such as Buybuy BABY and Pottery Barn Kids.

Second-hand stores, baby boutiques, and baby gear rental sites like Baby Quip and WeeTravel also offer stroller options.

To test strollers in physical stores, consider visiting buybuy BABY and Babies R Us, as well as Target, while ensuring to contact stores in advance to check for testing availability.

Factors to consider when choosing a stroller include safety features, baby comfort, maneuverability, durability, storage options, and alignment with lifestyle needs such as daily walks, jogging, or city navigation.

Key Points:

  • Popular options for shopping for strollers in person include large department stores like Toys R Us/Babies R Us, Walmart, and Target, as well as smaller baby shops such as Buybuy BABY and Pottery Barn Kids.
  • Second-hand stores, baby boutiques, and baby gear rental sites like Baby Quip and WeeTravel also offer stroller options.
  • Consider visiting buybuy BABY and Babies R Us, as well as Target, for testing strollers in physical stores; contact stores in advance to check for testing availability.
  • Factors to consider when choosing a stroller include safety features, baby comfort, maneuverability, durability, storage options, and alignment with lifestyle needs such as daily walks, jogging, or city navigation.

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. The first baby stroller was invented in 1733 by William Kent, a landscape architect for the Duke of Devonshire. It was designed so that the Duke’s children could ride along with him as he viewed his gardens.

2. The largest stroller store in the world is situated in Tokyo, Japan, spanning over 10,000 square feet and showcasing a wide range of stroller brands from around the globe.

3. In the early 1900s, strollers were seen as a luxury item and were primarily used by the wealthy. It wasn’t until the mid-20th century that strollers became more affordable and accessible to the general public.

4. The world’s most expensive stroller was custom-made by a British designer and adorned with 24-karat gold accents, diamond-studded handles, and leather upholstery made from rare alligator skin. It was priced at over $4,000,000.

5. Celebrities often opt for designer strollers for their children, with brands like Bugaboo and Stokke becoming popular choices among Hollywood parents. Some customized strollers even feature monogrammed logos and luxury materials such as cashmere and Swarovski crystals.

Places To Shop For Strollers In Person

When shopping for strollers, parents have a range of options available for in-person shopping:

  • Large department stores like Toys R Us/Babies R Us, Walmart, Target, Sears, Nordstrom, Macy’s (US), The Bay, and Canadian Tire offer a wide selection of stroller brands catering to various budgets and preferences.
  • These stores provide the convenience of one-stop shopping, allowing parents to physically see and test out different stroller options before making a purchase.

For a more specialized experience, parents can explore smaller baby shops such as Buybuy BABY, Bed Bath & Beyond, Pottery Barn Kids, West Coast Kids, Snuggle Bugz, and Indigo:

  • These boutique-like shops offer a curated selection of strollers and baby gear, along with expert advice and personalized service.
  • They often carry unique and stylish stroller models not readily found at larger chain stores, making them a desirable destination for parents looking for something special for their little ones.

Shopping Tips:

When shopping for strollers, consider visiting:

  • Large department stores for a wide selection and convenience.
  • Smaller baby shops for unique and stylish options and personalized service.

Large Department Stores

Large department stores are a popular choice for parents looking to shop for strollers in person due to the convenience and variety they offer. Stores like Toys R Us/Babies R Us, Walmart, Target, Sears, Nordstrom, Macy’s (US), The Bay, and Canadian Tire typically have dedicated baby sections or departments where strollers are prominently displayed. These stores cater to a wide range of budgets and feature popular stroller brands such as Graco, Chicco, Baby Jogger, Uppababy, and more.

Benefits for Parents:

  • Ability to compare different stroller models side by side
  • Access to sales and promotions on baby gear

“Large department stores provide a convenient and diverse shopping experience for parents seeking strollers, with a variety of brands and price points available.”

Smaller Baby Shops

  • Smaller baby shops offer a more intimate and personalized shopping experience for parents shopping for strollers and baby gear.
  • Stores such as Buybuy BABY, Bed Bath & Beyond, Pottery Barn Kids, West Coast Kids, Snuggle Bugz, and Indigo provide a thoughtfully curated selection of strollers with a focus on quality, style, and innovation.
  • These boutique-like shops often stock niche or upscale stroller brands tailored to specific needs and preferences, catering to parents looking for something unique.
  • Customers can leverage the expertise of the staff at these shops to receive expert advice and tailored recommendations based on their individual requirements.

Second-Hand Stores

Second-hand stores are a budget-friendly option for parents looking to purchase gently used strollers at a discounted price. While the selection may vary depending on the store, thrift shops and consignment stores can sometimes offer great deals on preloved strollers in good condition. Parents can also consider online platforms like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or local buy/sell groups to find used strollers.

When shopping for second-hand strollers, it’s important to inspect the item carefully for any wear and tear, damages, or missing parts to ensure the safety and functionality of the stroller.

  • Inspect the stroller carefully
  • Check for wear and tear, damages, and missing parts.

Baby Boutiques

Baby boutiques are specialty stores that cater to parents looking for unique and stylish baby products, including strollers. These boutique shops often carry upscale and designer stroller brands that focus on both functionality and aesthetics, appealing to parents who want to make a fashion statement with their baby gear. Brands like Bugaboo, Stokke, and Mima are often featured in baby boutiques, offering parents a luxurious and exclusive shopping experience. In addition to strollers, baby boutiques may also offer a range of accessories and baby essentials to complete the parenting experience.

Baby boutiques cater to parents seeking unique and stylish baby products, with a focus on upscale stroller brands like Bugaboo, Stokke, and Mima. These stores provide a luxurious shopping experience for parents looking to make a fashion statement with their baby gear.

  • Specialize in unique and stylish baby products
  • Offer upscale and designer stroller brands
  • Provide exclusive shopping experience for parents

Baby Gear Rental Sites

  • For parents looking to rent baby gear, baby gear rental sites such as Baby Quip and WeeTravel provide a convenient and flexible solution.
  • These platforms enable parents to easily rent strollers and other baby equipment for temporary use, which is perfect for travel purposes or short-term needs.
  • Renting a stroller from these sites enables parents to avoid the inconvenience of lugging around their own gear, while still ensuring a safe and comfortable ride for their child.
  • Baby gear rental sites typically offer a variety of stroller models to choose from, allowing parents to select the most suitable one for their specific requirements.

Suggestions For Testing Strollers

  • When shopping for strollers in person, it’s essential to test out different models to find the right fit for your needs.
  • Stores like buybuy BABY and Babies R Us often have display models available for testing, allowing parents to push, fold, and maneuver the stroller to assess its usability.
  • Target also offers stroller testing in some locations, although availability may vary by store.
  • To ensure that you can test the strollers you’re interested in, it’s recommended to contact the stores in advance to inquire about their stroller testing options and availability.
  • By physically trying out different strollers, parents can get a feel for the features, comfort, and maneuverability of each model, helping them make an informed decision.

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Stroller

Choosing the right stroller is a crucial decision for parents, as it plays a significant role in their child’s safety, comfort, and overall convenience.

When evaluating stroller options, several factors should be taken into consideration:

  • Safety features, such as a sturdy frame, secure harness, and reliable braking system, are paramount to protect your child while using the stroller.
  • Comfort is also essential, with considerations like a comfortable seat, adjustable recline, and adequate padding for long rides.
  • Maneuverability is another key factor, as a stroller that is easy to push and steer can make outings more enjoyable.
  • Durability is important for long-term use, ensuring that the stroller can withstand wear and tear.
  • Storage options, including a spacious basket or pockets for essentials, can also enhance convenience during outings.

Lastly, lifestyle and usage needs should be considered, whether it’s daily walks, jogging, traveling, or navigating city streets, as different stroller models are designed for various purposes.

By weighing these factors carefully, parents can choose a stroller that meets their specific requirements and provides a comfortable and safe experience for their little one.


How to shop at Target with a stroller?

Shopping at Target with a stroller can be a cumbersome task, but with a simple trick, it becomes much easier. By hooking the back wheels of the stroller to the front of the shopping cart, you can seamlessly navigate through the aisles. This method allows you to push the stroller with one hand while managing the shopping cart with the other, making the shopping experience more convenient and less frustrating.

The innovative technique demonstrated by Bast’s husband, Ryan, showcases the ingenuity and resourcefulness required when shopping with a stroller at Target. With this clever approach, parents can efficiently traverse the store, focusing on their shopping needs while ensuring the safety and comfort of their child in the stroller. Next time you visit Target with a stroller, remember this handy tip to make your shopping trip a breeze.

What age is best for a stroller?

While the general guideline suggests around 6 months as the age to start using a stroller, it’s crucial to consider the specific development of each child. Some infants might possess the necessary neck strength and ability to sit upright earlier than this recommended age, while others may require more time. Observing your child’s growth and milestones can help determine the ideal age for introducing a stroller.

The best age for a stroller ultimately depends on the individual readiness of the baby. Although 6 months is a common starting point, it’s important to assess your baby’s physical capabilities and consult with your pediatrician to decide when they are developmentally prepared to comfortably and safely ride in a stroller. Each child is unique, and being attuned to your baby’s progress is key in determining the most suitable age for stroller use.

What age group is appropriate for strollers?

While there is no set age limit for stroller use, it is generally recommended that children transition out of strollers by the age of 3. However, the decision on when to stop using a stroller should be based on the individual child’s comfort and needs. Some children may continue to benefit from using a stroller past the age of 3, especially in situations where long walks or outings are involved. It’s important for parents to assess their child’s readiness and ensure they are safe and comfortable when determining the appropriate age group for strollers.

Can you take strollers into Walmart?

Yes, Walmart typically allows customers to bring strollers into their stores. They even offer designated parking areas near the entrances for strollers to ensure convenience and easy access for parents and caregivers. This policy enables families to comfortably navigate the store while shopping for their necessities, creating a more inclusive and family-friendly shopping experience at Walmart.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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