Nuna Stroller Recall: Safety Measures and Parental Guidance

Attention parents!

Are you concerned about the safety of your child’s high chair?

Nuna, a well-known baby products company, has issued a voluntary recall of their ZAAZ high chairs due to a potential fall hazard.

Stay informed about how to keep your little one safe in their high chair with this vital information.

nuna stroller recall

The Nuna stroller recall pertains to their ZAAZ high chairs sold in the US and Canada after February 1, 2013.

This recall is due to a fall hazard where the arm bar can bend or detach during use.

Nuna is offering a free repair kit, including a new arm bar and replacement instructions.

Owners should cease using the high chair until it is fixed.

To obtain the repair kit, contact Nuna through email, phone, or an online form, providing necessary information such as model name, serial number, and date of manufacture.

Key Points:

  • Recall pertains to Nuna ZAAZ high chairs sold in US and Canada after Feb 1, 2013
  • Due to fall hazard from arm bar bending or detaching during use
  • Nuna offering free repair kit with new arm bar and replacement instructions
  • Owners advised to stop using high chair until fixed
  • Contact Nuna via email, phone, or online form for repair kit
  • Provide model name, serial number, and date of manufacture for repair kit

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. The Nuna stroller recall in 2015 was due to a potential choking hazard caused by a detached arm bar on certain models.
2. Before the recall, the Nuna stroller was highly praised for its innovative design and high-quality materials.
3. The recall affected over 5,000 units of the Nuna stroller sold in various countries around the world.
4. Nuna offered free repair kits to affected customers to fix the issue and ensure the safety of the strollers.
5. As a result of the recall, Nuna implemented stricter quality control measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Nuna Stroller Recall: Zaaz High Chair

Nuna, a popular manufacturer of baby products, has recently issued a voluntary recall for their ZAAZ high chairs in the US and Canada. This recall affects high chairs sold after February 1, 2013, and is prompted by a fall hazard related to the arm bar of the high chair. The arm bar has the potential to bend or detach during use, compromising the safety of the child seated in the high chair. To address this issue, Nuna is offering a free repair kit to owners of the affected models, ensuring the continued safety and functionality of the ZAAZ high chairs.

Fall Hazard Alert: Arm Bar Issue

The primary reason for the recall of the Nuna ZAAZ high chairs is the potential fall hazard associated with the arm bar. The arm bar plays a crucial role in providing additional safety and security for the child seated in the high chair. However, certain models of the ZAAZ high chair may have an arm bar that is susceptible to bending or detaching, leading to a risk of falls and injuries. Recognizing the importance of child safety, Nuna has taken proactive measures to address this issue and ensure the well-being of young users.

  • Nuna ZAAZ high chairs recall due to fall hazard linked to the arm bar
  • Potential risk of bending or detaching of the arm bar
  • Proactive measures taken by Nuna to ensure child safety

“Safety is our top priority.”

Affected Models: HC-07-XXX And HC-08-XXX

  • The recall specifically targets Nuna ZAAZ high chair models with serial numbers beginning with HC-07-XXX and HC-08-XXX, sold in the US and Canada post-February 2013.
  • If you own a ZAAZ high chair with one of these serial numbers, it is crucial to check whether your product is affected by the recall.
  • By identifying the model number of your high chair, you can determine if it falls within the scope of the recall and take appropriate action to ensure the safety of your child.

Free Repair Kit Available

Owners of the affected Nuna ZAAZ high chair models are urged to take advantage of the free repair kit provided by Nuna. This repair kit includes a new arm bar designed to address the issues causing the fall hazard. By promptly availing of the repair kit and implementing the necessary fixes, owners can ensure that their high chairs meet safety standards and mitigate the risk of accidents. Nuna’s commitment to offering a free repair kit demonstrates their dedication to customer safety and satisfaction.

Key Points:

  • Nuna ZAAZ high chair models
  • Free repair kit
  • Arm bar addressing fall hazard
  • Safety standards
  • Customer safety and satisfaction

Instructions For Replacement

Upon receiving the free repair kit from Nuna, owners of the affected ZAAZ high chairs should carefully follow the provided instructions for replacement. Proper installation of the new arm bar is essential to guarantee the safety and functionality of the high chair. By adhering to the replacement guidelines, owners can effectively address the potential fall hazard associated with the arm bar and ensure that their child can continue to use the high chair safely.

  • Owners of affected ZAAZ high chairs should promptly act on the free repair kit from Nuna.
  • Following the replacement instructions ensures proper installation of the new arm bar.
  • Regular maintenance and check-ups are crucial to ensure ongoing safety.
  • Prioritizing child safety is the key concern while using high chairs.

Remember: Prioritize safety and follow replacement guidelines meticulously for a secure high chair experience.

Stop Using Chair: Safety Precaution

  • Owners of the affected Nuna ZAAZ high chair models are advised to stop using the product until the necessary repairs have been completed.
  • By discontinuing the use of the high chair until it has been fixed with the new arm bar, parents can safeguard their child from potential falls or accidents.
  • Prioritizing safety is paramount, and taking proactive steps to eliminate risks is crucial in ensuring the well-being of young children.

Contacting Nuna For Repair Kit

If you own a Nuna ZAAZ high chair with a model number beginning with HC-07-XXX or HC-08-XXX, it is important to contact Nuna to obtain the free repair kit.

Nuna can be reached via email, phone, or an online form to request the necessary repairs for your high chair.

Prompt communication with Nuna is key to expediting the repair process and ensuring that your ZAAZ high chair is made safe for future use.

  • Contact Nuna for free repair kit
  • Reach out via email, phone, or online form
  • Prompt communication is crucial

“Ensure your ZAAZ high chair’s safety by contacting Nuna promptly for necessary repairs.”

Required Information For Repair

When contacting Nuna for the repair kit, be prepared to provide essential information about your ZAAZ high chair. This information may include:

  • The model name
  • Serial number
  • Date of manufacture of your high chair

By providing accurate details about your product, you enable Nuna to process your repair request efficiently and send you the necessary components for fixing the arm bar issue. Accuracy and completeness in supplying the required information will facilitate a smooth and timely repair process, ensuring the safety of your child while using the ZAAZ high chair.

Remember to have the model name, serial number, and date of manufacture ready when contacting Nuna for the repair kit. Accuracy in providing this information is crucial for a quick and effective resolution.


Has Nuna been recalled?

Yes, Nuna has issued a voluntary recall for all ZAAZ high chairs sold in the United States and Canada, in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Health Canada. This decision was made after identifying potential safety issues with the chairs and developing secure solutions for each ZAAZ model. Customers who have purchased a ZAAZ high chair are encouraged to participate in the recall to ensure the safety of their product.

Is the Nuna Mixx discontinued?

Yes, the Nuna MIXX has been officially discontinued by the manufacturer, but there are still remaining stock available at Strolleria for purchase until inventory lasts. The Nuna MIXX, a popular model known for its premium features and functionality, is now considered a limited edition item as it reaches the end of its production cycle.

Do Nuna strollers have warranty?

Yes, Nuna strollers are covered by a 2-year warranty which starts from the day of purchase. This warranty provides customers with added confidence in the quality and durability of Nuna strollers, ensuring that they are protected in case of any manufacturing faults or defects within the specified period. It’s important to note that accessories are excluded from this warranty coverage, so customers should keep this in mind when considering purchasing additional items for their stroller.

Is the Nuna PIPA Lite discontinued?

Yes, the Nuna PIPA Lite model has been discontinued since July 2023 as Nuna is focusing on developing a new lightweight option in response to upcoming legislation changes pertaining to infant car seats. This is part of their commitment to ensuring the safety and compliance of their products with the latest requirements, so while the PIPA Lite is no longer available, customers can look forward to a new and improved lightweight offering in the future.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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