Best double umbrella stroller

If you have twins or little ones that don’t have a huge age gap, it can be quite cumbersome to take them out on double strollers, especially if you’re travelling.

Twins are awesome, but they come with lots of challenges for their parents. From diapers to feeding bottles, everything needs to be purchased in double. One of the most problematic items is the stroller. You can’t push two strollers at the same time, therefore you’ll have to go for a double stroller to take your twins out of the house. Double strollers have an issue, though: they can be quite bulky and hard to fit in the booth of a car. This is why many people choose a double umbrella stroller as the best solution for their little ones.

Choosing The Best Double Umbrella Stroller For Your Twins

This article is going to show you the pros and cons of the best double umbrella strollers on the market. Check out the reviews and choose the most suitable stroller for your specific situation.

Delta City Street Side by Side

Delta City Street Side by Side StrollerIf you need a double stroller that’s inexpensive, yet safe and sturdy, the Delta City Street might be the perfect choice. It is extremely maneuverable, thanks to its 360 degree swivel front wheels and to its lightweight frame.

>> Delta City Street Side by Side Stroller

Being only 29 inch wide, this stroller fits through 30 inch doorways without problem. Parents will appreciate the two cup holders and the two hanging storage bags, while babies will benefit from the comfort of the shock absorbing wheels. The stroller is suitable for children up to 35 pounds each.

Maclaren Twin Triumph

Maclaren Twin Triumph StrollerThe Maclaren Twin Triumph double umbrella stroller is available in two variants: navy and silver and denim. Its main advantage is the comfort offered by multiple functions such as the lockable front swivel wheels, the shoulder harnesses with adjustable height, the adjustable strap for multiple independent positions and the ergonomic handles that ease the mother’s task.

>> Maclaren Twin Triumph

The seat liners are reversible, removable and washable. They are backed and padded, thus offering a plus of comfort to the babies. This stroller can be used from birth to the age of 3 or even more years, depending on the children’s size. This makes is a great choice for families who don’t necessarily have twins, but two kids aged between 0 and 3 years. The sun shades can be lowered or raised according to your needs

The best thing about this double umbrella stroller is that it fits even in the trunk of smaller cars. It also fits through a standard doorway, thing that would be impossible for most regular size strollers.

Jeep Wrangler Twin Sport Stroller

Jeep Wrangler Twin Sport All-Weather Umbrella StrollerThis double umbrella stroller is compact, lightweight and easy to fold up. This makes it very maneuverable for the parents, while not taking a toll on the children’s comfort. The reclining seats can be adjusted as needed, thanks to a very good reclining mechanism.

>> Jeep Wrangler Twin Sport All-weather Umbrella Stroller

The foam cushions and padded arms are removable and the shades can be rolled up or down, depending on the season. This feature gives it a great versatility to weather conditions.

The stroller features a small storage space and a removable parent cup holder. It is functional and economical and it can be used for both infants and toddlers. It is perfect for quick trips and for traveling, when you want everything to be as compact as possible.

Dream on Me Twin Stroller

Dream On Me Double Twin StrollerThis is another double umbrella stroller with fully reclining seats and adjustable canopies. It features rear wheel brakes, thus being easy to handle. The stroller folds for storage and it features enough room for various items, thanks to the two baskets located underneath the seats.

>> Dream on Me Twin Stroller

The easily adjustable five point harness makes this stroller safe, even for infants. Priced under $100, the Dream on Me double stroller offers a great value for money.

Combi Twin Sport DX

Combi Twin Sport DX StrollerThe special feature of this stroller is the infant safety boot. It makes the stroller perfectly safe even for a newborn baby. The Combi Twin Sport DX is compatible with the Shuttle 33 car seat and it features a removable guardrail.

>> Combi Twin Sport DX

The 3-Second-Fold feature and the fact that it fits through standard doorways, make this stroller an excellent choice for parents who love comfort in their everyday life. The Combi Twin Sport DX has a solid construction which allows up to 45 pounds weight for each seat. The seat cushions are removable and washable.

Which is the best double umbrella stroller for travel?

If you’re looking for an umbrella stroller for air travel, both inter-sate and international, the Jeep Wrangler and the Combi Twin are your best bet, especially if you travel frequently. For infrequent travel, consider the Delta City stroller which is much cheaper at under $100. However, don’t think that this inexpensive umbrella stroller will last long. Cheaper price usually mean lower quality.

The Combi twin is quite durable and especially good for young infants since the seats can be reclined. For older babies at least 6 months, the MacLaren is a good choice.

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