Best Jogger Stroller with Bassinet: Combining Fitness with Functionality

Discover the ultimate combination of style, functionality, and convenience with the best jogger stroller with bassinet.

Designed for discerning parents who refuse to compromise on quality, these premium jogging strollers offer versatility and performance like no other.

Say goodbye to limitations and embrace the freedom of outdoor adventures with your little one.

best jogger stroller with bassinet

The best jogger stroller with a bassinet is the Thule Urban Glide 2.

This stroller is known for its high-quality construction, smooth maneuverability, and comfortable bassinet option, making it a top choice for parents who want a jogger stroller with added features.

Key Points:

  • Thule Urban Glide 2 is the best jogger stroller with a bassinet option.
  • The stroller is recognized for its premium build quality.
  • It offers excellent maneuverability for a smooth jogging experience.
  • The comfortable bassinet feature sets it apart, catering to parents’ needs.
  • Parents seeking a jogger stroller with added features would find it a top choice.
  • Overall, Thule Urban Glide 2 provides a superior combination of functionality and comfort.

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. Jogging strollers were first introduced in the 1980s and quickly gained popularity among parents who wanted to stay active while caring for their children.
2. The best jogging strollers with bassinets feature extra padding and support for newborns, ensuring a comfortable ride for both baby and parent.
3. Some jogging strollers are equipped with adjustable suspension systems to provide a smoother and more stable ride on various terrains.
4. The design of jogging strollers with bassinets often includes a swivel or lockable front wheel for enhanced maneuverability and control while running.
5. Certain models of jogging strollers with bassinets come with built-in car seat adapters, allowing for seamless transitions between stroller and car for on-the-go parents.

Thule Urban Glide 2 Overview

When it comes to jogger strollers with bassinets, the Thule Urban Glide 2 stands out as a top choice for parents seeking both functionality and style.

This stroller is designed to provide a smooth and comfortable ride for both the parent and the child. The bassinet attachment in the Thule Urban Glide 2 is spacious and well-padded, ensuring that your baby can rest peacefully while you enjoy your jog.

Additionally, the stroller features a reclining seat that can be adjusted to multiple positions, allowing your child to sit up or lie down comfortably.

The Thule Urban Glide 2 is also equipped with a large canopy that provides excellent sun protection and ventilation, ensuring that your child stays cool and comfortable during outdoor activities. The stroller’s adjustable handlebar allows parents of different heights to push the stroller comfortably, while its front swivel wheel can be locked for added stability during jogging sessions.

With its sleek design and high-quality construction, the Thule Urban Glide 2 is a reliable choice for parents looking for a jogger stroller with a bassinet.

  • Smooth and comfortable ride for parent and child
  • Spacious and well-padded bassinet
  • Reclining seat with multiple positions
  • Large canopy for sun protection and ventilation
  • Adjustable handlebar for parents of different heights
  • Front swivel wheel for added stability during jogging sessions.

Features Of The Bob Gear Wayfinder

The Bob Gear Wayfinder stands out as an excellent choice for parents seeking a jogger stroller with a bassinet. Renowned for its rugged design and durable construction, this stroller is perfect for outdoor adventures with your little one. The spacious and well-cushioned bassinet attachment provides a cozy and secure napping space for your baby while you stay active. Featuring a five-point harness system and an adjustable canopy, the Bob Gear Wayfinder prioritizes your child’s safety and comfort.

Functionality-wise, the Bob Gear Wayfinder delivers a smooth ride with its adjustable suspension system and air-filled tires. Parents will appreciate the convenience of the stroller’s adjustable handlebar and easy one-hand fold, making it simple to use and transport. Boasting a large storage basket and a snack tray, this stroller is tailor-made to cater to the needs of busy, on-the-go families. In essence, the Bob Gear Wayfinder emerges as a reliable and practical option for parents seeking a jogger stroller equipped with a bassinet.

  • Rugged design and durable construction
  • Spacious and well-cushioned bassinet attachment
  • Safety features: five-point harness system and adjustable canopy
  • Smooth ride with adjustable suspension system and air-filled tires
  • Convenient features: adjustable handlebar and easy one-hand fold
  • Designed for active families with a large storage basket and snack tray

Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller Highlights

  • The Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller is a versatile and stylish option for parents seeking a jogger stroller with a bassinet. It is designed for a smooth and stable ride, suitable for jogging or everyday use.
  • The bassinet attachment in the Chicco Activ3 is well-padded and comfortable, ensuring that your baby can rest peacefully while you stay active.
  • This stroller also features a multi-position reclining seat and adjustable canopy for your child’s comfort and style.
  • Safety is a priority with the Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller, including a five-point harness system and a hand-activated parking brake for added security.
  • The stroller’s adjustable handlebar and all-wheel suspension system provide excellent maneuverability and control for navigating various terrains.
  • Convenient features like a parent tray, cup holders, and adjustable leg rest add to the practicality and comfort of the Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller for both parents and children.


Are jogger strollers good for newborns?

Jogger strollers can be a great investment for parents who enjoy an active lifestyle, but it’s important to wait until the baby is at least six months old before using it for jogging. The primary reason for this is that newborns typically can’t support their heads properly, so it’s safer to wait until they have developed more neck strength. However, you can still use the jogger stroller for leisurely walks with your newborn before transitioning to jogging once they are old enough.

What is best brand of jogging stroller?

When it comes to choosing the best jogging stroller, the Thule Urban Glide 2 stands out as the top pick. Its smooth maneuverability on pavement makes it a joy to push during runs or walks, offering both comfort and functionality to parents on the go. For those who prefer tackling rougher terrains, the BOB Gear Wayfinder is a solid choice, providing stability and durability in more challenging outdoor environments. Lastly, for those seeking a budget-friendly option without compromising quality, the Chicco Activ3 Jogging Stroller offers a great balance of affordability and features, making it a suitable pick for families looking to stay active without breaking the bank.

Can you jog with baby in bassinet?

While jogging with a baby in a bassinet is not recommended, there are alternative exercises that can be done with a jogging stroller equipped with a newborn carrycot/bassinet. Parents can engage in weight loss walking and strollnetics exercises to stay active while spending time with their baby under 6 months old. It’s important to prioritize safety and comfort for both the parent and the baby during exercise routines.

How much does a jogging stroller cost?

The cost of a jogging stroller can vary significantly, typically ranging from $200 to over $1,000. Factors such as design, safety features, and overall ease of use play a role in determining the price point. For those who plan on engaging in regular outdoor running activities, investing in a high-quality jogging stroller can prove to be a worthwhile expense.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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