Bugaboo Dragonfly Stroller Review: Features, Pros, and Cons

Embark on a journey through the world of baby gear with the sleek and versatile Bugaboo Dragonfly stroller.

Designed to make urban parenting a breeze, this cutting-edge stroller offers a blend of style, functionality, and comfort that will leave you and your little one in awe.

Step into the world of luxury mobility.

bugaboo dragonfly stroller review

The Bugaboo Dragonfly stroller is a compact and lightweight option suitable for city dwellers, ideal for children from birth up to around 4 years old.

It features a generous underseat basket, a high-quality carrycot, and a stylish design perfect for urban areas.

Priced at 拢945 for both bassinet and seat and 拢695 excluding the carrycot, it is recommended for small suburban families looking for style, comfort, and sustainability.

Compatible with various car seats to create a travel system and equipped with built-in suspension for a smooth ride, this stroller offers convenience and functionality in one package.

Key Points:

  • Bugaboo Dragonfly stroller is compact and lightweight, suitable for city dwellers with children from birth to around 4 years old.
  • Features a generous underseat basket, high-quality carrycot, and stylish design ideal for urban areas.
  • Priced at 拢945 for both bassinet and seat, 拢695 excluding carrycot, recommended for small suburban families seeking style, comfort, and sustainability.
  • Compatible with various car seats to create a travel system for added convenience.
  • Equipped with built-in suspension for a smooth ride, combining functionality and convenience.
  • Overall, the Bugaboo Dragonfly stroller offers style, comfort, and functionality in one package.

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. The Bugaboo brand, known for their high-quality strollers, was originally founded in 1999 in the Netherlands by Max Barenbrug and Eduard Zanen.
2. The Bugaboo Dragonfly stroller is designed with a one-piece fold mechanism, making it easier to collapse and store compared to other models in the Bugaboo range.
3. Bugaboo strollers are favored by many celebrities, including Beyonc茅, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Chrissy Teigen, who have all been spotted using Bugaboo strollers with their children.
4. The Bugaboo Dragonfly stroller is equipped with adjustable handlebars, allowing parents of different heights to comfortably push the stroller without straining their backs.
5. Bugaboo strollers are known for their durability and longevity, with many parents passing them down to younger siblings or friends due to their high resale value in the secondhand market.

Overview Of Bugaboo Dragonfly Stroller

  • The Bugaboo Dragonfly stroller is a highly popular choice among city dwellers, offering a practical and stylish solution for families with young children.
  • Suitable for use from birth up to approximately 4 years old, this stroller provides a versatile and convenient option for parents on the go.
  • With a focus on quality, comfort, and sustainability, the Bugaboo Dragonfly is designed to meet the needs of modern families who prioritize style and functionality in their baby gear.

Compact And Lightweight Design

  • One of the standout features of the Bugaboo Dragonfly stroller is its compact and lightweight design. Weighing just 7.9kg, this stroller is considerably lighter than the Bugaboo Fox, making it easier to maneuver and transport, especially in urban environments. The slim profile of the Dragonfly allows for easy navigation through crowded streets and tight spaces, perfect for city living where space is often at a premium.

  • In addition to its portability, the Bugaboo Dragonfly offers a smooth and comfortable ride for both parent and child, thanks to its built-in suspension system. This feature helps absorb shocks and bumps along the way, ensuring a pleasant experience for both the pusher and the passenger.

Spacious Underseat Basket

The Bugaboo Dragonfly stroller offers a practical feature in the form of its generous underseat basket with a 10kg weight limit. This spacious storage area enables parents to carry essential items like diapers, snacks, toys, and shopping bags, enhancing the convenience of outings with their little one. The roomy basket is easily accessible from the front and sides, facilitating quick and convenient retrieval of items on the move.

The robust construction of the underseat basket ensures it can bear the weight of stored items, giving parents assurance that their belongings are secure during outings with their child.

  • Spacious underseat basket with a 10kg weight limit
  • Easy access from front and sides
  • Durable construction for secure storage

High-Quality Carrycot Feature

  • The Bugaboo Dragonfly stroller features a high-quality and spacious carrycot designed to accommodate babies up to 9kg.
  • This feature is particularly beneficial for new parents who prefer their newborns to lie flat, promoting better sleep and overall comfort.
  • The carrycot is crafted with soft, breathable fabrics and a supportive mattress to ensure a cozy and safe environment for the infant.
  • Easy to attach and detach from the stroller frame, allowing seamless transitions between indoor and outdoor use.
  • The sturdy construction and thoughtful design of the carrycot make it a valuable addition to the Bugaboo Dragonfly stroller.
  • Parents are provided with a versatile option for transporting their young child from birth onwards.


Why was the Bugaboo Dragonfly recalled?

The Bugaboo Dragonfly is being recalled due to a safety issue identified with its “parent-facing” mode. The backrest of the seat has the potential to move downward, causing the infant to be placed in a negative recline position. This poses a significant safety concern for parents and infants using the stroller, prompting Bugaboo to issue a recall to address the issue and ensure the safety of their customers.

Is Bugaboo Dragonfly suitable for newborn?

Yes, the Bugaboo Dragonfly is suitable for newborns as it is designed to be used from birth up to 22kg. The stroller’s innovative design provides a comfortable and safe environment for newborns, making it a great option for parents looking for a versatile and reliable stroller for their little ones. With its ability to fold easily, the Bugaboo Dragonfly offers convenience for parents on the go while ensuring the comfort and safety of newborns.

The Bugaboo Dragonfly stands out as an urban stroller that combines functionality and style, making it a popular choice among parents who value both practicality and aesthetics in their baby gear. Its ability to cater to newborns up to 22kg ensures that it can be used for an extended period, accommodating the growth and developmental stages of the child. The Bugaboo Dragonfly’s reputation for comfort and durability, along with its innovative features, makes it a reliable choice for parents seeking a high-quality stroller for their newborns.

Is Bugaboo worth the hype?

Bugaboo is definitely worth the hype for us. Its adaptability has made it perfect for every stage of our baby’s development. From the cozy bassinet for Aya’s newborn days to the comfortable car seat attachment for her current stage, Bugaboo has truly grown with her. Watching her enjoy the stroller and taking in the world around her confirms that it has been a valuable investment that enhances our daily routines and adventures together.

Why are Bugaboo strollers so popular?

Bugaboo strollers have gained immense popularity due to their outstanding reputation for quality and style, making them a top choice for parents globally. The brand’s commitment to providing high-quality products that offer both functionality and fashion has resonated with parents seeking reliable and chic baby gear. Additionally, Bugaboo’s innovative features, attention to detail, and excellent customer support, such as expert assistance via live chat or email, further contribute to the brand’s widespread appeal.

Moreover, Bugaboo’s unique loyalty program, offering customers 10% back in points on every purchase that can be redeemed for discounts, adds to the allure of their strollers. This incentivizes parents to choose Bugaboo not only for its quality and style but also for the added value and savings they can enjoy through the loyalty program. The combination of exceptional products, impeccable customer service, and rewards for loyal customers solidifies Bugaboo’s position as a popular and trusted choice in the world of baby strollers.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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