The Best Bugaboo Stroller with Bassinet in 2024

The Bugaboo stroller with bassinet is a parent’s ultimate companion, but its full potential is unleashed with essential accessories.

From cozy footmuffs to convenient cup holders and protective rain covers, these add-ons not only enhance the stroller’s functionality but also cater to the comfort and convenience of both parent and child.

bugaboo stroller with bassinet

The Bugaboo stroller with bassinet is a versatile and convenient option for parents looking for a reliable and stylish stroller.

The bassinet attachment provides a cozy and safe space for newborns to nap while on the go, ensuring their comfort and safety.

In addition to the bassinet, various accessories are available to enhance the functionality and usability of the Bugaboo stroller, such as footmuffs, rain cover, cup holder, wheeled board, sun canopy, and more.

These accessories can further customize the stroller to suit the specific needs of both babies and parents, making it a practical and convenient choice for families on the move.

Key Points:

  • Bugaboo stroller with bassinet is a versatile and stylish option for parents.
  • The bassinet attachment ensures comfort and safety for newborns on the go.
  • Accessories like footmuffs, rain cover, cup holder, wheeled board, sun canopy, etc., enhance functionality.
  • Customizable features cater to specific needs of babies and parents.
  • Practical and convenient choice for families who are constantly on the move.
  • Offers a cozy and safe space for newborns to nap comfortably.

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. The Bugaboo stroller with bassinet was actually designed by a father who wanted a more practical and stylish option for transporting his child.
2. Bugaboo strollers are known for their exceptional maneuverability and smooth ride, thanks to their innovative suspension system.
3. The bassinet attachment for Bugaboo strollers is a favorite among parents for its cozy and safe space for newborns to sleep on the go.
4. Bugaboo strollers with bassinets have been featured in several high-profile celebrity photoshoots, making them a popular choice among the Hollywood elite.
5. Bugaboo offers a wide range of accessories for their strollers, including stylish canopy designs, weather shields, and cup holders, making them customizable to fit any parent’s needs.


  • Footmuffs for Bugaboo strollers with bassinet are essential for keeping your baby warm during cold weather.
  • Designed to fit snugly in the stroller, these plush and insulated footmuffs offer extra warmth and comfort.
  • Ideal for leisurely walks or running errands, a footmuff ensures that your baby stays cozy and comfortable.

Rain Cover

  • Unpredictable weather can impact outdoor adventures with your baby, but a rain cover designed for your Bugaboo stroller with bassinet offers protection.
  • These durable covers are easy to attach and provide full coverage, ensuring your baby stays dry and comfortable in sudden downpours.
  • With a rain cover, you can venture out confidently, knowing your baby is shielded from rain and wind.

Cup Holder

  • Staying hydrated while on the go is essential for both you and your baby.
  • A cup holder is a convenient accessory to add to your Bugaboo stroller with bassinet.
  • This easy-to-attach holder allows you to keep your favorite beverage within reach, whether it’s a refreshing drink for you or a snack for your little one.
  • With a cup holder attached to your stroller, you can stay hydrated and satisfied while enjoying quality time with your baby outdoors.


What age is Bugaboo bassinet stroller for?

The Bugaboo bassinet stroller is specifically designed to cater to newborns and infants, offering a safe and cozy environment for babies from birth until they are ready to transition to the stroller seat. The bassinet feature provides a comfortable and secure space for newborns to lie flat and rest while being easily transported in the stroller, making it an ideal choice for young babies.

With its focus on providing a seamless transition from birth through the early stages of childhood, the Bugaboo bassinet stroller is perfectly suited for newborns and infants who require a flat and supportive surface for their delicate bodies. The bassinet allows parents to confidently take their newborns out for strolls without the need for additional carriers or equipment, ensuring both convenience and comfort for both the baby and the caregivers.

Is the Bugaboo bassinet sleep approved?

Yes, the Bugaboo bassinet is approved for sleep when used with the Bugaboo stand and compatible adapters. The bassinet meets the sleep regulations set by the CPSC, ensuring a safe and secure sleeping environment for infants. When properly set up according to manufacturer guidelines, parents can confidently use the Bugaboo bassinet for their baby’s sleep needs.

How long do you use the Bugaboo bassinet?

The Bugaboo bassinet is a versatile and convenient option for newborns to infants up to around 6 months old. Once you’ve set it up and attached it to the stroller, you’re all set to use it right from day one. As your baby grows and reaches about 6 months old, it’s time to convert the bassinet into a seat unit for continued comfortable stroller rides. The Bugaboo bassinet ensures your little one can enjoy a cozy and secure ride during the early months of their life.

Do I really need a bassinet for stroller?

While it is not absolutely necessary to have a bassinet for your stroller, using one can provide an extra layer of safety and comfort for your baby, especially if they are under 6 months of age. Bassinets are uniquely designed to cater to your baby’s requirements and can help reduce the risk of SUIDS, promoting a safer travel experience. So, considering the developmental benefits and safety precautions bassinets offer, investing in one for your stroller could be a prudent choice for the well-being of your little one.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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