Bumbleride Speed Jogging Stroller Review

Looking to hit the pavement with your little one in tow?

The 2018 Bumbleride Speed jogging stroller promises a smooth ride and eco-friendly design.

But is it worth the weight and cost?

Let’s dive into the review to see if this stroller lives up to its name.

Bumbleride Speed Jogging Stroller review

The Bumbleride Speed Jogging Stroller offers a mix of practical features designed for active lifestyles with children.

Its new ergonomic fold levers, sun canopy, and eco-friendly water repellent treatment enhance functionality.

While it runs more like a full-size stroller than a dedicated jogging product, it boasts adjustable tracking and a smooth suspension system.

The stroller’s ease of use, including a three-step folding process, auto-lock feature, and compatibility with the Chicco Keyfit 30 infant car seat, make it convenient for parents on the go.

Despite its higher price point and some limitations, such as the lack of an adjustable leg rest, the Bumbleride Speed Jogging Stroller is a solid option for those seeking a durable and sustainable choice for their outdoor adventures with kids.

Key Points:

  • Bumbleride Speed Jogging Stroller designed for active lifestyles with children
  • Features include ergonomic fold levers, sun canopy, and eco-friendly water repellent treatment
  • Functions more like a full-size stroller with adjustable tracking and smooth suspension
  • Easy to use with three-step folding process, auto-lock feature, and Chicco Keyfit 30 car seat compatibility
  • Higher price point but durable and sustainable choice for outdoor adventures
  • Limitations include lack of adjustable leg rest

Check this out:

1. Overview Of The 2018 Bumbleride Speed Jogging Stroller

The 2018 Bumbleride Speed jogging stroller presents a variety of new features and updates tailored to improve performance and convenience for active parents. This stroller prioritizes sustainable materials and ergonomic design, aiming to deliver a seamless and comfortable ride for both parent and child. Key features of the Bumbleride Speed include:

  • Adjustable tracking
  • All-wheel suspension
  • Eco-friendly water repellent treatment

The Bumbleride Speed is a versatile choice for individuals who lead an active lifestyle with their young ones.

Key Points:

  • Sustainable materials and ergonomic design
  • Adjustable tracking and all-wheel suspension
  • Eco-friendly water repellent treatment

2. Company Background: Bumbleride’s Beginnings And Focus

Bumbleride, founded in 2004 by Matt and Emily Reichardt, is a company dedicated to creating products for active families using sustainable materials. The brand’s commitment to quality and eco-conscious manufacturing practices sets it apart in the baby gear industry. By focusing on functionality, durability, and environmental impact, Bumbleride has garnered a loyal following of parents who appreciate the brand’s ethos and innovative approach to design.

“Bumbleride’s dedication to sustainability and quality has resonated with parents seeking eco-friendly and durable baby gear options.”

  • Founded in 2004 by Matt and Emily Reichardt
  • Focus on sustainability and eco-conscious manufacturing
  • Emphasis on functionality, durability, and environmental impact

3. Features And Updates Of The 2018 Model

The 2018 Bumbleride Speed jogging stroller introduces significant updates over its previous version:

  • New ergonomic fold levers.
  • Enhanced sun canopy raised by 1.5 inches for added space.
  • Water-repellent treatment that is both eco-friendly and practical.
  • Available in new colors.
  • Priced slightly higher than its predecessor.

These updates focus on enhancing the functionality and user experience of the stroller, while upholding its eco-friendly values and commitment to sustainability.

  • New ergonomic fold levers
  • Enhanced sun canopy raised by 1.5 inches
  • Water-repellent treatment
  • Available in new colors
  • Priced slightly higher than its predecessor

4. Comparison To Previous Version And Pricing

  • Compared to the previous version, the 2018 Bumbleride Speed jogging stroller offers enhanced features and design updates that justify the slightly higher price tag.
  • While the stroller may lean more towards the characteristics of a full-size stroller than a dedicated jogging product, its adjustable tracking, all-wheel suspension, and advanced sun canopy make it a versatile choice for active parents.
  • The company’s decision to prioritize sustainable materials and ergonomic design has set this stroller apart in the market, making it a compelling option for those who value both performance and environmental consciousness.

5. Design And Construction Of The Stroller

  • The Bumbleride Speed jogging stroller is built from durable materials, focusing on comfort and convenience.
  • Features include an adjustable handbrake, lockable swivel front wheel, and a 10 lbs weight capacity storage bin.
  • This stroller is designed for a range of activities, prioritizing functionality.
  • While it may lack a sleek finish compared to competitors, its emphasis on sustainability, ease of use, and durability sets it apart as an ideal choice for active families looking for a reliable and eco-friendly option.

6. Maneuverability And Ease Of Use

The Bumbleride Speed jogging stroller prioritizes maneuverability with a swivel front wheel, ideal for navigating tight spaces effortlessly. Its suspension system, including all-wheel suspension, ensures a smooth and stable ride for both parent and child. Despite resembling a full-size stroller more than a dedicated jogging product, the Bumbleride Speed stands out for its ease of use. It offers a three-step folding process and an auto-lock feature, making storage and transportation convenient.

  • Swivel front wheel for easy navigation
  • Suspension system for a smoother ride
  • Three-step folding process for easy storage
  • Auto-lock feature for added convenience.

7. Comfort Features And Adjustability

In terms of comfort features, the Bumbleride Speed jogging stroller offers a range of amenities to ensure a pleasant ride for the child.

  • Large canopy rated UPF/SPF 45+ and a mesh peek-a-boo window for ample sun protection and ventilation.
  • Adjustable 5-point harness, reclining seat back, and padded seat to enhance the child’s comfort during outings.

However, the stroller lacks an adjustable leg rest, which may be a drawback for some users seeking additional customization options.

  • Large canopy with UPF/SPF 45+ rating and a mesh peek-a-boo window for sun protection and ventilation.
  • Adjustable 5-point harness, reclining seat back, and padded seat for enhanced comfort.
  • Lacks an adjustable leg rest, which may be a drawback for some users.

8. Compatibility With Infant Car Seats

  • The Bumbleride Speed jogging stroller is compatible with the Chicco Keyfit 30 infant car seat using an adapter, offering convenience for parents transitioning between stroller and car seat use.
  • With two available car seat adapters for different brands, the stroller provides flexibility for parents with varying car seat preferences.
  • This compatibility feature enhances the stroller’s versatility and usability, making it a practical choice for on-the-go families.

9. Setup And Folding Process

  • The setup process for the Bumbleride Speed jogging stroller may take over 13 minutes, which can be a consideration for parents seeking quick and easy assembly.
  • However, the stroller’s three-step folding process is relatively straightforward and user-friendly, allowing for effortless storage and transport.
  • The addition of an auto-lock feature further simplifies the folding and unfolding process, enhancing the stroller’s overall convenience and usability.

10. Quality And Value Assessment

While the Bumbleride Speed jogging stroller offers a range of impressive features and functionalities, its quality may not match its higher price point when compared to other strollers in the market. Despite its durable materials and eco-friendly design, the stroller’s performance on trails and overall construction may fall short of some competitors. However, its emphasis on sustainability, ease of use, and comfort features make it a compelling choice for parents who prioritize these aspects in their baby gear.

  • Impressive features and functionalities
  • Eco-friendly design
  • Sustainability
  • Ease of use
  • Comfort features


Is Bumbleride a good jogging stroller?

The Bumbleride Speed is an excellent choice for those looking for a top-of-the-line jogging stroller. With its locking swivel front wheel, adjustable tracking, and all-wheel suspension, it provides a smooth and effortless running experience. Additionally, the stroller’s pneumatic tires and adjustable handlebar make it a versatile option for various terrains and different heights, ensuring comfort and ease of use.

Overall, the Bumbleride Speed stands out as a great jogging stroller option due to its maneuverability, suspension system, and adjustable features. Whether you’re navigating crowded spaces or hitting the trails, this stroller delivers on performance and functionality, making it a solid investment for active parents.

Can you jog with bumbleride?

While the Bumbleride Indie stroller does offer the option to lock the front wheel for easier maneuverability on non-paved surfaces and light jogging, it is important to consider the overall design and intended use of the product. Jogging with the Indie may not be the most ideal choice, as it is primarily designed for everyday use with a focus on comfort and versatility for urban environments. For those looking to incorporate jogging into their routine, it may be beneficial to explore specialized jogging strollers that are specifically engineered for higher speeds and rough terrains to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Can you jog with Bob Motion stroller?

Yes, you can jog with the Bob Motion stroller as long as your baby is at least eight months old and can ride safely in the stroller without a car seat. The Bob Motion stroller is designed to provide a smooth and comfortable ride for both you and your baby while jogging or running. With its sturdy construction and reliable safety features, you can enjoy your workout while keeping your little one secure and cozy in the stroller. So, go ahead and hit the pavement with your Bob Motion stroller for a great jogging experience with your baby by your side.

Is it worth getting a jogging stroller?

Investing in a jogging stroller can be highly beneficial for avid runners. The specialized features, such as large air-filled tires and additional suspension, provide a smooth and comfortable running experience on various terrains. With the right model, including a handbrake for uphill terrain, these strollers can enhance your fitness routine while allowing you to enjoy the outdoors with your little one in tow.

šŸ’” Did You Know?

1. The Bumbleride Speed Jogging Stroller is made from 100% recycled PET fabric, which is created from post-consumer plastic bottles, making it an environmentally friendly choice for parents.

2. The stroller’s rear suspension system features a unique three-spring design, providing a smooth and comfortable ride for both the child and the pusher.

3. Bumbleride, the company behind the Speed Jogging Stroller, partners with 1% for the Planet, pledging to donate at least 1% of their annual sales to environmental causes.

4. The adjustable handlebar on the Bumbleride Speed Jogging Stroller is made from all-natural cork, a sustainable and eco-friendly material known for its durability and comfort.

5. Bumbleride offers a comprehensive “Car Seat Compatibility Search” tool on their website, allowing parents to easily find out which car seats are compatible with the Speed Jogging Stroller for added convenience and ease of use.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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