City Stroller Pram: A Guide for Urban Parents

Are you tired of constantly switching between strollers for various family outings?

The Baby Jogger City Select stroller is here to revolutionize your journeys.

With over 16 configurations, this durable and versatile pram provides unmatched convenience for parents on the go.

Explore the world of possibilities from 2010 to 2016.

city stroller pram

The Baby Jogger City Select stroller is a versatile and durable city stroller pram that offers more than 16 ways to configure, catering to various family makeups.

It can serve as a full travel system, single pram, double stroller, or traditional single stroller.

With configurations like single stroller with toddler seat in front or rear, single stroller with infant car seat, bassinet options, twin bassinets, and multiple seating arrangements for toddlers, it is adaptable to different needs.

The stroller is not suitable for jogging but can accommodate infants six months and above or be used with optional bassinet or infant car seat attachments.

Key Points:

  • Baby Jogger City Select stroller offers over 16 configurations for various family setups
  • Can be used as a full travel system, single pram, double stroller, or traditional single stroller
  • Configurations include options like toddler seat in front or rear, infant car seat, bassinet choices, twin bassinets, and more
  • Adaptability makes it suitable for different family needs and situations
  • Not designed for jogging, but can accommodate infants six months and older with attachments
  • Versatile, durable, and versatile city stroller pram

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. In the early 1700s, the first stroller was created by a gardener named William Kent for the 3rd Duke of Devonshire to help him roam around the gardens easily.

2. The term “pram” is actually short for “perambulator,” which was a term used in the 19th century to describe a baby carriage or stroller.

3. In 1965, the first jogging stroller was invented by Phil Baechler, making it easier for parents to take their children on outdoor runs.

4. The city of Kensington in London is known for its designer strollers, with many luxury brands such as Bugaboo and Stokke originating from there.

5. A record-breaking stroller parade took place in Sydney, Australia in 2013, where 1,084 prams and strollers were lined up in a single file, setting a new world record.

Versatile And Durable Design

The Baby Jogger City Select stroller is renowned for its versatile and durable design, making it a go-to choice for urban parents seeking a reliable stroller solution. Whether you need a full travel system, a single pram, a double stroller, or a traditional single stroller, the City Select has you covered. Its robust construction ensures longevity and functionality, able to withstand the rigors of city life while providing a comfortable ride for your little one. The high-quality materials used in its construction make it a reliable choice for parents looking for a stroller that can adapt to their ever-changing needs.

The City Select stroller offers more than 16 ways to configure, catering to various family makeups. This flexibility is a key feature that sets it apart from other strollers on the market. From single stroller options with the toddler seat in the front or rear to configurations with an infant car seat or bassinet, the City Select provides numerous seating arrangements for toddlers, including twin bassinets for families with multiples. This adaptability ensures that the stroller can grow with your family, accommodating your changing needs as your children grow.

  • Versatile and durable design
  • Robust construction for longevity
  • More than 16 ways to configure
  • Catering to various family makeups
  • Adaptability to grow with your family

Multiple Configurations For Every Family

One of the standout features of the Baby Jogger City Select stroller is the multitude of configurations it offers, making it suitable for families of all sizes and compositions. Whether you have one child or multiple, the City Select can be customized to meet your specific requirements. Options include:

  • Single stroller configurations with different seat placements
  • Twin bassinets for newborns
  • Various seating arrangements for toddlers

This level of customization ensures that the stroller can adapt to your family’s needs, providing a comfortable and convenient solution for urban parents on the go.

Additionally, the City Select stroller can accommodate children of different ages, with the option to add a second seat for older toddlers or siblings. This versatility makes it an ideal choice for families with children of varying ages, as it can easily transition from a single stroller to a double stroller as needed. The ability to customize the seating arrangement and configuration of the stroller ensures that every family member is comfortable and secure while out and about in the city.

Suitable Age And Weight Requirements

  • When considering the use of the Baby Jogger City Select stroller, it’s important to note the age and weight requirements to ensure the safety and comfort of your child. Children must be at least 6 months old to ride in the second seat of the stroller, with a maximum weight limit of 45 pounds and headroom of 24 inches. These specifications are important to adhere to in order to prevent any discomfort or safety issues for your child while using the stroller.

  • Additionally, the City Select stroller is rated for infants six months and above, although it can also be used with an optional bassinet or infant car seat for newborns. This versatility allows parents to use the stroller from the early months of their child’s life, adapting as their baby grows and their needs change. By following the age and weight requirements specified for the City Select stroller, parents can ensure a safe and comfortable experience for their child while using the stroller in various configurations.

Convenient Folding Options

  • One of the key benefits of the Baby Jogger City Select stroller is its convenient folding options, making it easy to transport and store when not in use.
  • When folded with one seat attached, the stroller’s dimensions are 28 x 25 x 13 inches, allowing it to fit in compact car trunks or storage spaces with ease.
  • This compact folding mechanism makes it a practical choice for urban parents who may have limited space in their homes or vehicles.

  • Moreover, the City Select stroller can fold with both seats attached when in a forward-facing position, further enhancing its convenience and ease of use.

  • This feature eliminates the need to remove seats or components before folding the stroller, saving parents time and effort when getting the stroller ready for transport.
  • The convenient folding options of the City Select stroller make it a practical and user-friendly choice for busy parents navigating city life with their little ones in tow.

Evolution Of City Select Models

The Baby Jogger City Select stroller has evolved significantly over the years to adapt to the changing demands of modern parents. From 2010 to 2016, the City Select strollers have offered versatile configurations and advanced features tailored to various family setups.

Key updates in the 2016 model include:

  • Dimensional adjustments
  • Longer handlebar for enhanced ergonomic comfort
  • Updated folding mechanism for improved usability
  • Upgraded fabric materials for increased durability and aesthetics.

It’s crucial for parents to understand the distinctions between each model of the City Select stroller to make an informed choice. While accessories from 2010 to 2015 are generally compatible with strollers from the respective years, some 2016 model accessories may not work with older versions. Familiarizing oneself with the evolution of City Select models is essential for parents seeking a stroller that aligns perfectly with their requirements and preferences.

  • Understanding the evolution of City Select models can aid parents in making well-informed decisions
  • Versatile configurations and advanced features cater to various family setups
  • Compatibility of accessories may vary between different model years

Compatibility With Accessories

  • Baby Jogger City Select stroller: It’s essential to consider compatibility of accessories to enhance functionality and customization.
  • Accessories: infant car seats, bassinets, and additional seating options can expand versatility.
  • Parents can create a personalized stroller setup to meet specific requirements.
  • The City Select can accommodate two car seats, requiring the purchase of two infant car seats for this configuration.

  • City Select bassinet kit: Includes a fabric bassinet shell, mattress, support bars, and apron.

  • Provides a cozy and secure space for newborns to rest while on the go.
  • Accessory snaps onto the metal frame of the stroller seat for stability and comfort for your baby.

  • By exploring the range of compatible accessories, parents can customize their stroller to suit their lifestyle and preferences.

Considerations For Usage

While the Baby Jogger City Select stroller offers versatility and convenience for urban parents, it is important to consider the following points:

  • The City Select is not suitable for jogging, as it is designed for urban use and everyday activities.
  • For jogging and off-road terrain, parents should opt for the Summit X3 jogging stroller offered by the company.

Moreover, the weight of the City Select stroller varies based on the configuration:

  • Single stroller weight: 28 pounds
  • With Second Seat Kit attached: 34 pounds

Parents should keep the weight in mind when transporting or lifting the stroller, especially in double stroller mode or with additional accessories. Understanding these usage considerations will help parents maximize the usability of their City Select stroller while ensuring their child’s safety and comfort.

Keep in mind:

  • City Select is not suitable for jogging
  • Consider weight variations based on the configuration

Stay Informed With Baby Jogger

  • To stay updated on the latest sales, promotions, and new products from Baby Jogger, parents can subscribe to their email list. By receiving updates directly from the company, parents can stay informed about special offers, upcoming product releases, and news related to Baby Jogger strollers. This proactive approach allows parents to be in the loop regarding any developments or opportunities that may be of interest to them, ensuring that they can make informed decisions when it comes to purchasing strollers and accessories for their family.

  • By staying informed with Baby Jogger, parents can also access valuable resources and information that can enhance their experience with their City Select stroller. From warranty claims and customer service inquiries to tips for using accessories and configuring the stroller, staying connected with Baby Jogger can provide parents with the support and guidance they need to make the most of their stroller investment. Subscribing to the Baby Jogger email list is a proactive step that can benefit parents looking to stay informed and up-to-date on all things related to their stroller and parenting needs.


What is the difference between a pram and a jogger?

The main difference between a pram and a jogger lies in their design and intended use. While prams are meant for regular use on smoother surfaces with four wheels and lack suspension systems, joggers are equipped with a tri-wheel design, larger wheels, and a suspension system for a smoother ride. Jogging strollers also often feature a fixed or lockable front wheel, providing stability during fast-paced runs or off-road adventures.

In essence, prams are ideal for everyday urban use while joggers are specifically designed for active parents who enjoy jogging or running with their child. The distinct features of a jogger cater to providing a more secure and comfortable ride during physical activities, making it a preferred choice for parents leading an active lifestyle.

What age is city select pram for?

The Baby Jogger City Select pram is suitable for children starting from 6 months old up until around three and a half years of age. With a maximum weight capacity of 45 pounds and a generous headroom of 24 inches, this versatile stroller can comfortably accommodate growing toddlers through their early years. Parents can enjoy using the City Select pram as their child transitions from infancy to toddlerhood with ease and convenience.

What age is the city stroller for?

The City Mini GT2 is specifically crafted for babies who are able to sit up on their own, typically around 6 months of age. This ensures that the stroller provides the necessary support and comfort for the baby during their early developmental stages. The design and features of the City Mini GT2 are tailored to cater to the needs of babies who have reached this important milestone in their growth and mobility.

What age is City Mini GT pram for?

The City Mini GT pram is designed for infants from birth onwards, making it a versatile option that can accompany your little one throughout their journey into toddlerhood. With a weight capacity of up to 29.5kg, this lightweight stroller provides a comfortable and secure ride for your child as they grow and explore the world around them. Meeting safety standards and offering a stylish design, the City Mini GT pram is a reliable choice for parents looking for a convenient and durable stroller that grows with their child.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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