Graco Modes LX Stroller Review: Features, Pros, Cons

Looking for a versatile and budget-friendly stroller option?

The Graco Modes LX might just be the perfect fit for you.

Packed with features and positive reviews, it offers great value for under $200.

While it may not match the premium brands in build quality, its functionality shines through.

graco modes lx stroller review

The Graco Modes LX stroller is a versatile and budget-friendly option for parents, priced at under $200.

It offers multiple riding configurations, a fully reclining seat convertible into an infant bassinet, and compatibility with Graco’s SnugRide Click Connect infant car seats.

While the build quality may not match up to higher-end brands, customer reviews for the Graco Modes LX are overwhelmingly positive.

Some users have reported difficulties with folding and bulkiness when closed, as well as plastic wheels that may squeak.

Overall, this stroller provides good value for money, especially when compared to similar models like the Summer Infant Myria, offering ample storage, adjustability, and convenience features for parents on the go.

Key Points:

  • Graco Modes LX stroller: versatile, budget-friendly option under $200
  • Multiple riding configurations, fully reclining seat convertible to infant bassinet
  • Compatible with Graco’s SnugRide Click Connect infant car seats
  • Positive customer reviews, despite lower build quality compared to higher-end brands
  • Reported issues with folding, bulkiness when closed, and squeaky plastic wheels by some users
  • Good value for money with ample storage, adjustability, convenience features compared to similar models

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. The Graco Modes LX Stroller can be converted into a rear-facing infant car seat carrier, making it a versatile and convenient travel system for parents on-the-go.

2. The stroller’s reversible seat allows your child to face you for bonding time or face forward to explore the world, providing flexibility for different situations.

3. The Graco Modes LX Stroller features a one-hand fold mechanism, making it easy to collapse and store when not in use.

4. With multiple recline positions, including a flat recline for nap time on-the-go, this stroller prioritizes your child’s comfort and safety.

5. The stroller is equipped with a large canopy and peek-a-boo window, providing ample sun protection and allowing you to easily check on your child while on the move.

Price And Options

When evaluating the Graco Modes LX stroller, a crucial consideration is its price point and available options. The MSRP for the Graco Modes LX stroller is $199, positioning it as an affordable choice for parents seeking a versatile and feature-rich stroller. Moreover, there is the alternative to acquire the Modes travel system, which encompasses the SnugRide SnugLock 35 infant car seat, priced at $299. This combination offers enhanced convenience for parents desiring a seamless transition from stroller to car seat.

  • Affordable price point of $199
  • Option to purchase the Modes travel system
  • Includes SnugRide SnugLock 35 infant car seat
  • Convenient transition from stroller to car seat

Weight And Age Suitability

The Graco Modes LX stroller weighs 23 lbs, slightly heavier than the Graco Modes 3 Lite at 19 lbs. Despite its weight, the Graco Modes LX is suitable for children from birth up to 50 lbs, offering long-term use for growing families. This stroller is designed to accommodate infants and toddlers alike, providing a versatile option for parents looking for a single stroller solution.

Features of the Graco Modes LX stroller:

  • Weight: 23 lbs
  • Weight Limit: Up to 50 lbs
  • Suitable for infants and toddlers

Key Features

  • The Graco Modes LX stroller stands out with its range of key features:
  • Reversible and removable seats
  • Parent tray for added convenience
  • Large storage basket for essentials
  • Ample canopy for child protection
  • Fully reclining seat convertible into an infant bassinet
  • 3-position calf support for extra comfort
  • Compatible with Graco’s SnugRide Click Connect infant car seats for a seamless travel system experience

Build Quality

In terms of build quality, the Graco Modes LX stroller is positioned as an economy option and may not be on par with higher-end brands. While it may lack some of the premium materials and finishes of more expensive strollers, the Graco Modes LX makes up for it with its affordable price point and practical features.

It’s important to note that while the build quality may not be as high as some competitors, the stroller still offers good value for the money.

  • Economical choice
  • Practical features
  • Good value for money

Customer Reviews

  • Customer reviews of the Graco Modes LX stroller are overwhelmingly positive, with many parents praising its versatility, ease of use, and affordability.
  • Users appreciate the various riding configurations, the spacious storage options, and the convenience of the one-step, one-hand fold feature.
  • While some users have reported issues with the shoulder straps not securely attaching to the waist straps, overall feedback indicates that the Graco Modes LX is a reliable and practical choice for families on the go.

Comparison With Comparable Strollers

When comparing the Graco Modes LX stroller to other similar options on the market, such as the Summer Infant Myria DLX, Evenflo Urbini Omni +, Evenflo Pivot, and GB Lyfe, it’s clear that the Graco Modes LX offers a competitive blend of features and affordability.

While some strollers may boast lighter weights or additional features like extendable canopies with peek-a-boo windows, the Graco Modes LX stands out for its:

  • Versatility
  • Compatibility with infant car seats
  • Multiple riding options

In conclusion, the Graco Modes LX is a top choice for parents looking for a stroller that combines functionality, convenience, and comfort at a reasonable price point.

Specific Features Of The Graco Modes Lx

The Graco Modes LX stroller is designed with specific features to meet the needs of both parents and children.

  • Fully reclining seat that easily converts into an infant bassinet for versatility
  • 3-position calf support enhances comfort for the child
  • Compatible with Graco’s SnugRide Click Connect infant car seats
  • Convenient one-step, one-hand fold with automatic storage latch for easy transportation and storage

Despite its practical design, some users have mentioned challenges with folding and finding it bulky when closed. However, the stroller offers a spacious storage basket and a tray with cup holders for added convenience.

Overall, the Graco Modes LX stroller provides a range of features tailored to on-the-go families, prioritizing functionality and comfort.

  • Fully reclining seat that converts into an infant bassinet
  • 3-position calf support for added comfort
  • Compatibility with Graco’s SnugRide Click Connect infant car seats
  • One-step, one-hand fold with automatic storage latch
  • Spacious storage basket and tray with cup holders

Comparison With Summer Infant Myria

  • When comparing the Graco Modes LX to the Summer Infant Myria stroller, it’s clear that both options offer good value for the money but may not have the highest build quality.
  • The Myria is lighter than the Modes but lacks some of the riding configurations and features, such as the fully reclining seat convertible into a bassinet.
  • The Myria also features an extendable canopy with peek-a-boo window, a detail that the Modes stroller does not include.
  • Despite these differences, both strollers are reported to be easy to maneuver and provide a comfortable ride for children, making them solid choices for parents seeking practical and affordable stroller options.


What does LX stand for Graco?

The LX designation in Graco stands for the “Luxury” version of their car seats and bases. This means that the LX series offers additional features and enhancements that are not present in the standard versions, providing a more premium and comfortable experience for users. These added characteristics make the LX series a top choice for those seeking a higher-end option in car seat safety and convenience.

What is the difference between Graco modes element and element LX?

The Graco Modes Element LX travel system offers enhanced fabrics and additional body support padding in the stroller compared to the Element version. These features provide extra comfort and style for both parent and baby during travel. Overall, the Element LX model elevates the experience with its upgraded components, making it a luxurious choice for on-the-go families.

What is LX stroller?

The LX stroller by Graco is a versatile and convenient option for parents on the go. With its one-second, one-hand fold capability, this crossover stroller provides the perfect blend of comfort and ease of use. Ideal for active parents, the FastAction鈩?Jogger LX offers the features of a traditional jogging stroller in a compact and foldable design, making it a practical choice for families looking for convenience in their everyday lives.

What is the difference between Graco DLX and LX?

The Graco DuoDiner LX stands out with its upgraded fabrics featuring infant head and body support, as well as soft strap covers, providing additional comfort and security for your little one. On the other hand, the Graco DuoDiner DLX offers a versatile 6-in-1 design that accommodates various growing stages, such as transforming from an infant highchair to seating two children simultaneously, making it a practical option for families with multiple children.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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