Stokke Bassinet Stroller Review: Features, Pros, and Cons

Looking for the perfect stroller for your little one?

The Stokke Xplory X bassinet stroller offers a luxurious and practical solution for urban parents.

With its sleek design, adjustable height, and SPF 50 fabric, this stroller is a must-have for those who want to stay connected with their child while on the go.

stokke bassinet stroller review

The Stokke Xplory X bassinet stroller is a premium choice for urban parents with a substantial budget who value interaction with their child.

It features a unique height-adjustable design, allowing the baby to sit higher for better engagement.

While the single-bar chassis design may be cumbersome for older babies in the parent-facing position, the wide height range of the handlebar is ideal for couples with differing heights.

The stroller, priced at 拢979, is best suited for newborns up to 22kg, lacks a one-handed fold, and is praised for its sturdy and durable frame.

Overall, the Stokke Xplory X is a luxurious option promoting inclusivity and interaction between parent and child, despite some minor drawbacks.

Key Points:

  • Stokke Xplory X bassinet stroller is a premium choice for urban parents who prioritize interaction with their child
  • Unique height-adjustable design allows the baby to sit higher for better engagement
  • Single-bar chassis design may be cumbersome for older babies in the parent-facing position
  • Wide height range of the handlebar is ideal for couples with differing heights
  • Priced at 拢979, best suited for newborns up to 22kg, lacks one-handed fold, but praised for sturdy frame
  • Overall, a luxurious option promoting inclusivity and interaction despite minor drawbacks

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. The Stokke Bassinet Stroller was originally designed in Norway and has won several international design awards for its innovative and functional design.
2. The bassinet attachment of the stroller is equipped with a soft and breathable mattress that promotes airflow and provides a comfortable sleeping environment for babies.
3. The Stokke Bassinet Stroller can be easily converted into a traditional stroller by removing the bassinet attachment and adding a seat unit, making it a versatile and long-lasting investment.
4. The stroller’s adjustable handlebar and swivel wheels make it easy to maneuver through crowded spaces and uneven terrain, providing parents with convenience and flexibility when on the go.
5. Stokke offers a range of accessories for the Bassinet Stroller, including a mosquito net, rain cover, and footmuff, allowing parents to customize and enhance their stroller to suit their needs and preferences.

Stokke Xplory X Bassinet Stroller Overview

The Stokke Xplory X bassinet stroller offers a unique and innovative design for urban parents seeking a high-quality stroller for their baby:

  • Made from the same fabric as the carrycot with SPF 50 protection
  • Provides a safe and comfortable environment for your little one
  • Ability to sit the baby higher enhances parent-child interaction
  • Promotes bonding and communication while on the go

Important: The single-bar chassis design may be cumbersome for older babies, especially in the parent-facing position.

    • Made from the same fabric as the carrycot with SPF 50 protection
    • Provides a safe and comfortable environment for your little one
    • Ability to sit the baby higher enhances parent-child interaction
    • Promotes bonding and communication while on the go

Height Benefits For Parent-Baby Interaction

One of the key advantages of the Stokke Xplory X bassinet stroller is its ability to elevate the baby to a higher position. This elevated seat not only allows for better interaction between parent and child but also provides a more inclusive seating arrangement. Parents can easily maintain eye contact with their baby, fostering a stronger bond and facilitating communication. The height-adjustable feature is particularly beneficial for couples with differing heights, as the handlebar can be adjusted to accommodate both tall and shorter parents.

  • Elevates baby to higher position
  • Enhances parent-child interaction
  • Promotes stronger bond and communication
  • Adjustable for parents of varying heights

“The Stokke Xplory X bassinet stroller offers a unique advantage by elevating the baby, fostering intimate connections between parent and child.”

Unique Chassis Design Details

The Stokke Xplory X bassinet stroller features a unique single-bar chassis design that distinguishes it from other strollers. The distinctive design enables easy seat height adjustment, allowing parents to personalize the stroller according to their preferences. Although lauded for its innovation, some users may perceive the single-bar design as bulky, particularly when managing older babies in a parent-facing orientation. Nevertheless, the sturdy and durable frame guarantees the safety and stability of the stroller in daily usage.

To summarize, the Stokke Xplory X bassinet stroller offers a distinctive single-bar chassis design for customizable seat height adjustment, balancing innovation with potential bulkiness for some users.

  • Unique single-bar chassis design
  • Easy seat height adjustment
  • Sturdy and durable frame
  • Safety and stability ensured

Weight And Folding Mechanism

  • Weighing 13.4kg, the Stokke Xplory X bassinet stroller is not the lightest option available in the market.
  • The stroller folds ‘stackable’ rather than compact, which may pose a challenge for parents looking for a more portable and easy-to-transport option.
  • Despite the weight, the stroller’s sturdy construction and durable materials ensure long-lasting use.
  • The lack of a one-handed fold feature may also be a downside for parents seeking convenience and ease of use in their stroller.

Ideal Users And Settings

The Stokke Xplory X bassinet stroller is best suited for urban parents with a substantial budget who will predominantly use the stroller in city settings. Its height-adjustable design, inclusive seating arrangements, and promotion of parent-baby interaction make it an ideal choice for parents looking for a stroller that facilitates bonding and communication with their child. While the stroller may not be the most compact or lightweight option, its unique features cater to parents who prioritize quality, design, and functionality in their baby gear.

  • Ideal for urban parents
  • Height-adjustable design
  • Inclusive seating arrangements
  • Promotes parent-baby interaction
  • Prioritizes quality, design, and functionality


Is Stokke Xplory suitable for newborns?

Yes, the Stokke Xplory stroller seat is suitable for newborns as it reclines to a near-vertical position, allowing infants under 6 months to comfortably ride in it. It is crucial to ensure that the baby is able to support their own head while using the stroller to promote a safe and comfortable experience for the newborn. The adjustable seat position and the ability to recline make the Stokke Xplory a suitable option for parents looking to use a stroller for their newborns.

What age is the Stokke Xplory stroller suitable for?

The Stokke Xplory stroller is suitable for children from 6 months old up to approximately 4 years of age, or until they reach 22kg. This adaptable stroller offers the option to purchase a separate newborn carry cot for younger babies, ensuring comfort and safety throughout various stages of infancy and early childhood. With additional accessory options available such as a raincover, foot muff, and car seat adaptors, the Stokke Xplory provides a versatile and long-lasting solution for parents looking for a reliable stroller for their growing child.

What age is the Stokke stroller for?

The Stokke stroller is designed to cater to a wide range of ages. From birth to around the age of four, children can comfortably travel in the Stokke Xplory X depending on the accessory utilized. With the Stokke Xplory X Carry Cot, infants up to 9kg can be safely transported, while older children between 6 months and 4 years old, or up to 22kg, can enjoy the stroller using the seat attachment.

Where is Stokke pram made?

Stokke prams are proudly made in the Sunnm酶re Alps of Norway, where the company was founded by Georg Stokke. The tradition of craftsmanship and quality that has been passed down through three generations is reflected in the meticulous production of each Stokke pram. This commitment to excellence is evident in every detail of the prams that are crafted in the picturesque setting of the Sunnm酶re Alps.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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