Urbini Bassinet Stroller Review: Is it Worth the Investment?

Looking for a versatile and stylish stroller at an affordable price?

The Urbini Omni stroller might just be the answer to your prayers.

Offering a range of options and accessories, this stroller is a game-changer for parents on the go.

Want to know more?

Let’s dive into the Urbini bassinet stroller review.

urbini bassinet stroller review

The Urbini Bassinet Stroller, specifically the Urbini Omni stroller, offers a versatile and affordable option for parents at $199 available at Walmart.

This stroller includes a bassinet, infant car seat, and stroller seat, catering to various needs.

With six color options and the ability for both the stroller seat and car seat to face either towards the parent or outward, it provides flexibility and comfort.

Additional features like a large canopy, cupholder, full-seat recline, and preemie insert make it a practical choice for parents looking for a well-rounded stroller option.

Key Points:

  • Urbini Bassinet Stroller (Urbini Omni) available for $199 at Walmart
  • Includes bassinet, infant car seat, and stroller seat for versatility
  • Six color options with reversible stroller seat and car seat orientation
  • Features large canopy, cupholder, full-seat recline, and preemie insert
  • Provides flexibility and comfort for parents
  • A practical choice for parents seeking a well-rounded stroller option

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. The Urbini Bassinet Stroller features a unique reversible seat that allows the baby to face the parent or the world, providing versatile options for bonding and exploration.
2. The bassinet of the Urbini stroller is made with breathable fabric and a cozy mattress, creating a comfortable sleeping space for the baby on the go.
3. Urbini strollers are known for their compact and lightweight design, making them easy to maneuver in crowded urban settings and busy sidewalks.
4. The storage basket on the Urbini Bassinet Stroller is surprisingly spacious, providing ample room for diaper bags, toys, snacks, and other essentials during outings.
5. Many parents appreciate the adjustable handlebar on the Urbini Stroller, which can be altered to suit different heights, ensuring a comfortable pushing experience for caregivers of varying sizes.

Overview Of Urbini Omni Stroller

The Urbini Omni stroller is a versatile and practical option for parents seeking a reliable and stylish stroller. This all-in-one stroller offers:

  • A bassinet
  • Infant car seat
  • Stroller seat

making it a (convenient) choice for families on the go. Priced at $199 at Walmart, the Urbini Omni stroller is an (affordable) yet (high-quality) option for parents valuing both functionality and style.

With its sleek design and practical features, this stroller is sure to make outings with your little one a (breeze).

The Urbini Omni Plus Travel System includes a stroller seat, frame, car seat, and car seat base for one price, making it a (comprehensive) and (cost-effective) solution for parents in need of a complete travel system. The stroller seat and car seat can face either towards the parent or outward, providing parents with the flexibility to choose the best seating arrangement for their child. Whether you’re running errands or enjoying a stroll in the park, the Urbini Omni stroller has you covered with its versatile design and convenient features.

  • Bassinet
  • Infant car seat
  • Stroller seat

Affordable Pricing At Walmart

One of the standout features of the Urbini Omni stroller is its affordable pricing, available at $199 at Walmart. This competitive price point makes it an attractive option for parents looking for a high-quality stroller that won’t break the bank. Despite its affordable price, the Urbini Omni stroller does not compromise on quality or functionality. With its durable construction and practical features, this stroller offers excellent value for money, making it a smart investment for budget-conscious parents.

In addition to its affordable price tag, the Urbini Omni stroller also offers a range of stylish color options to choose from. With six vibrant colors available, including:

  • Black
  • Green
  • Light Blue
  • Red
  • Violet
  • Pink

Parents can select a stroller that matches their personal style and preferences. Whether you prefer a classic neutral tone or a bold pop of color, the Urbini Omni stroller has a color option to suit every taste. This customization allows parents to express their individuality while enjoying the practicality and convenience of this versatile stroller.


  • Affordable pricing at $199
  • Quality construction and features
  • Six vibrant color options available

Stylish Color Options Available

  • The Urbini Omni stroller offers a variety of stylish color options to cater to different preferences.
  • With six vibrant colors available, including Black, Green, Light Blue, Red, Violet, and Pink, there is a color choice to suit every taste.
  • Parents can choose between a classic neutral tone or a bold pop of color to express their style.
  • This customization feature allows parents to showcase their individuality while benefiting from the functionality and convenience of the versatile Urbini Omni stroller.

Complete Travel System Package

The Urbini Omni Plus Travel System is a comprehensive package that includes a stroller seat, frame, car seat, and car seat base for one price.

  • This all-in-one travel system simplifies the process of traveling with your baby by providing everything you need in a single package.
  • The seamless compatibility between the stroller seat, car seat, and frame ensures a smooth transition between different modes of transportation.
  • It makes it easy to switch between the bassinet, infant car seat, and stroller seat as needed, offering convenience and practicality for busy parents who are always on the move.

Streamline your travels with the Urbini Omni Plus Travel System for a hassle-free and versatile parenting experience.

    • Includes stroller seat, frame, car seat, and base
    • Seamless compatibility between components
    • Smooth transition between transportation modes

Versatile Parenting Options

  • One of the key features of the Urbini Omni stroller is its versatile parenting options, giving parents the flexibility to choose the best seating arrangement for their child.
  • The stroller seat and car seat can face either towards the parent or outward, allowing parents to interact with their little one or provide a more stimulating environment for their child.
  • This flexibility is especially useful as your child grows and their needs change, ensuring that the stroller can adapt to different stages of development.
  • Whether you prefer to keep a close eye on your baby or let them explore the world around them, the Urbini Omni stroller offers versatile parenting options to suit your preferences.

Convenient Features For Parents

In addition to its versatility, the Urbini Omni stroller offers a range of convenient features for parents:

  • The stroller features a large canopy with a transparent peephole to keep an eye on your little one while providing protection from the elements.
  • A cupholder provides a convenient place to store drinks or small items.
  • The full-seat recline offers added comfort for your child during nap time.

These convenient features make outings with your baby more enjoyable and stress-free, ensuring that you have everything you need at your fingertips.

“Urbini Omni stroller: Versatile and Convenient Features for Parents”

Enhanced Comfort And Safety Features

  • The Urbini Omni stroller prioritizes comfort and safety for your child.
  • Full-seat recline allows your child to nap comfortably on the go.
  • Large canopy offers ample sun protection.
  • Transparent peephole for checking on your little one without disturbing their rest.
  • Includes a cupholder for added convenience.
  • Enhanced comfort and safety features make it a practical choice for parents.

Special Consideration For Newborns

For parents of newborns, the Urbini Omni stroller stands out for its special preemie insert, offering extra support and comfort for the youngest passengers. This thoughtful feature ensures that even the tiniest babies are safe and secure while traveling in the stroller.

The preemie insert is specifically designed to keep newborns in a safe and snug position, providing peace of mind for parents and a comfortable ride for their little one. Such special consideration for newborns sets the Urbini Omni stroller apart as a stroller designed with the needs of both parents and babies in mind, making it a practical and reliable choice for families with young children.

  • Extra support and comfort for newborns
  • Preemie insert ensures safety and security
  • Designed for a safe and snug position
  • Practical and reliable choice for families with young children


Does the Urbini stroller lay flat?

Yes, the Urbini stroller can lay flat, providing a comfortable and safe space for the baby to lie down and nap. The versatile design allows the carriage to transform into a flat position, ensuring a cozy resting spot for the little one. Parents can easily adjust the stroller to suit their baby’s needs, whether facing forward or backward, providing flexibility and convenience while on the go.

What is the weight limit on a Urbini stroller?

The weight limit on an Urbini stroller is 50 lb, making it a durable and versatile option for parents looking for a lightweight stroller that can accommodate their growing child. With its self-standing compact fold, the Urbini stroller is easy to store in small spaces and offers the flexibility of parent-facing or forward-facing modes to suit different preferences and needs.

Should newborns lie flat in stroller?

When it comes to strollers, ensuring newborns lie flat is crucial for their safety and comfort. Newborns lack the neck strength to hold up their heads, so laying them almost flat in a stroller is essential for proper support. By selecting a stroller designed for your child’s age, height, and weight, you can ensure that they are positioned correctly and securely with reliable restraining belts, providing a safe and cozy ride for your little one. So, yes, newborns should lie flat in a stroller to promote their well-being and development while on the go.

How long do babies need to lay flat in stroller?

Babies should lay flat in a stroller until they can support their head independently, which usually occurs around three months of age. At this point, you can safely transition them to the stroller seat in a reclined position. Once they can sit up on their own, usually between five and seven months old, you can adjust the stroller seat to a fully upright position to accommodate their growing development and curiosity about the world around them.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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