Best Side by Side Stroller with Bassinet: Top Picks for 2024

Are you in the market for the best side by side stroller with a bassinet?

Look no further!

This article will guide you through the top side-by-side strollers, comparing their features, prices, and more.

From Joovy Scooter X2 to Peg Perego Book for Two, explore the best options in the market.

best side by side stroller with bassinet

The best side-by-side stroller with a bassinet among the options mentioned is the Peg Perego Book for Two.

Priced at $799, this stroller stands out for its narrow design, luxury features, and suitability for children from birth up to 45 lbs per child.

It offers a comfortable and safe ride for two children while providing ample storage space and high-quality canopies.

The Peg Perego Book for Two is a top choice for parents looking for a versatile and high-end side-by-side stroller with a bassinet.

Key Points:

  • Peg Perego Book for Two is the best side-by-side stroller with a bassinet
  • Priced at $799, narrow design, luxury features
  • Suitable for children from birth up to 45 lbs per child
  • Comfortable and safe ride for two children
  • Offers ample storage space and high-quality canopies
  • Top choice for parents seeking a versatile and high-end stroller

Check this out:

💡 Did You Know?

1. The first side-by-side stroller was invented by English engineer William Richardson in the early 19th century. He designed it to make it easier for nannies to transport multiple children at once.

2. The term “bassinet” comes from the French word “bassinet,” which means “little basin.” The name originated from the basin-like shape of traditional bassinets, which were used to cradle infants.

3. The best side-by-side stroller with bassinet features a reversible seat design, allowing the baby to face either forward or toward the parent. This feature promotes bonding and interaction between the child and caregiver.

4. In Japan, it is considered good luck to give a bassinet as a gift to a newborn baby. It is believed to bring protection and comfort to the infant as they sleep.

5. The best side-by-side stroller with bassinet is designed with an adjustable handlebar to accommodate parents of different heights. This ergonomic feature ensures a comfortable pushing experience for caregivers of all sizes.

1. Joovy Scooter X2 鈥?Economy Pick

  • When it comes to finding an affordable yet reliable side-by-side stroller with a bassinet, the Joovy Scooter X2 stands out as an excellent choice.
  • Weighing 32 lbs and priced at $329, this stroller is known for its sturdy build and practical features.
  • The large storage capacity allows parents to easily pack essentials for their little ones, while the canopies provide adequate sun protection.
  • One of the standout features of the Joovy Scooter X2 is its independent reclining seats, offering customizable comfort for each child.

2. Zoe Twin + 鈥?Best Lightweight Option

  • For parents seeking a lightweight and versatile side-by-side stroller, the Zoe Twin + stands out.
  • Weighing only 17 lbs and priced at $529, this stroller strikes a balance between portability and functionality.
  • Features include adjustable handlebars, sun protection canopies, and versatile seating options.
  • The Zoe Twin + simplifies on-the-go parenting with its convenient design.

3. Britax B-Lively Double 鈥?Editor鈥檚 Choice

The Britax B-Lively Double has earned its place as the Editor鈥檚 Choice for its exceptional design and performance. Priced at $499, this stroller is suitable for infants through kids weighing up to 50 lbs. Its lightweight construction, comfortable seats, decent storage options, and great canopies make it a popular choice among parents. Whether you’re running errands or enjoying a day out with the family, the Britax B-Lively Double provides both comfort and convenience.

Key Features:

  • Exceptional design and performance
  • Suitable for infants to kids weighing up to 50 lbs
  • Lightweight construction
  • Comfortable seats
  • Decent storage options
  • Great canopies

4. Peg Perego Book for Two 鈥?Best Narrow Design

  • If space efficiency is a priority, the Peg Perego Book for Two is the stroller to consider.
  • Priced at $799, this stroller features a narrow design that allows for easy maneuvering in tight spaces.
  • With luxury features and the ability to accommodate children from birth up to 45 lbs per seat, the Peg Perego Book for Two is a stylish and practical choice for families on the go.

5. Benefits of Side-by-Side vs Front-and-Back Strollers

  • Better Interaction: Side-by-side strollers enable children to interact more easily with each other and their surroundings.
  • Equal Seating: Both children have equitable access to viewing the world around them.
  • Narrower Profile: Side-by-side strollers are typically slimmer than front-and-back strollers, enhancing maneuverability in congested areas.
  • Side-by-side strollers enhance interaction among children and their environment, ensure equal viewing opportunities, and offer a slimmer profile for ease of navigation in crowded spaces.

6. Mountain Buggy Duet: Versatile Seating Arrangements

The Mountain Buggy Duet is known for its versatility in seating arrangements, offering multiple configurations to suit the needs of growing families. Whether you prefer side-by-side seating, facing each other, or a mix of both, this stroller provides the flexibility to accommodate different preferences.

The Mountain Buggy Duet offers versatile seating arrangements to suit diverse family needs.

  • Side-by-side seating
  • Facing each other
  • Mix of both

7. Important Stats and Figures

  • Joovy Scooter X2: Weight: 32 lbs, Price: $329
  • Zoe Twin +: Weight: 17 lbs, Price: $529
  • Britax B-Lively Double: Price: $499, Weight Capacity: Up to 50 lbs per seat
  • Peg Perego Book for Two: Price: $799, Weight Limit: 45 lbs per child

8. Conclusion: Best Side-by-Side Stroller Options

  • Choosing the best side-by-side stroller with a bassinet involves considering several options available on the market.
  • Prioritize affordability, lightweight design, versatile seating arrangements, or narrow construction based on your needs.
  • Consider the features, prices, and weights of each stroller to find the perfect fit for your family’s lifestyle and preferences.


Are side by side strollers better?

Side by side strollers are undeniably a fantastic choice for parents of twins, offering the convenience of attending to both newborns simultaneously. The wider frame becomes a negligible concern when considering the necessity of caring for two babies at once. On the other hand, front and back strollers are particularly suited for urban environments and tight spaces, where maneuverability and compactness are paramount. Ultimately, the choice between the two types of strollers depends on the specific needs and circumstances of each family, with each offering distinct advantages based on individual requirements.

Do I need a double stroller for 18 month old and newborn?

While it may seem like a double stroller is not necessary for an 18-month-old and a newborn, considering it from a safety perspective can provide peace of mind. Young toddlers can have unpredictable behaviors, and a double stroller can help prevent any potential accidents that may occur if the older child suddenly decides to run off.

Having a double stroller can offer convenience and safety, especially during outings or walks where you need to keep a close eye on both children. It allows you to manage both children effectively and gives you added security knowing that they are both secured in one place, reducing any potential risks that may arise from a lively toddler’s spontaneous actions.

What is the slimmest side by side double stroller?

The Mountain Buggy Duet proudly holds the title of the slimmest side by side double stroller in the market, boasting a compact width of 65cm. Its practical and versatile design caters to newborn twins, a baby and toddler, or two toddlers up to 4 years old, with a weight limit of 18kg per seat. Catering to our younger and smaller children as well as their siblings, this stroller offers both convenience and comfort in a sleek and space-saving package.

Is a side by side or tandem stroller better?

While tandem strollers like the Baby Jogger City Mini may be easier to navigate through tight spaces, side-by-side strollers offer the advantage of keeping twins together for closer interaction and visibility. For parents who value keeping their little ones close and having them easily within reach, a side-by-side stroller could be the preferred choice. So, the decision between a side by side or tandem stroller ultimately depends on the specific needs and priorities of the parents and their children.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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